We're a division of the Department of Transport and Main Roads with statewide responsibility for:
- buses, trains, ferries and trams across South East Queensland
- buses:
- in Bowen
- in Bundaberg
- in Cairns
- on the Fraser Coast
- in Gladstone
- in Gympie
- in Innisfail
- in Kilcoy
- in Mackay
- in Rockhampton and Yeppoon
- in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland
- in Toowoomba
- in Townsville
- in Warwick
- in the Whitsundays
- regional services
- demand responsive transit
- taxi regulation
- long distance rail, coaches and regional air.
Our vision and purpose is creating a single integrated network accessible to everyone.

Who we work with
We partner with a range of Queensland service providers and government agencies to deliver high-quality public transport services, ticketing, information and infrastructure.

Customer service
We provide support and give you a way to have your opinions heard and acted on.
You can speak with one of our customer service operators at any time by calling 13 12 30. Travel information is also available online.
Our Customer Liaison officers (CLOs) are also on hand to assist you with your public transport questions at key locations when there are network or service changes, community events and expos, and each weekday at:
- Cultural Centre station from 10am to 2pm
- Queen Street station from 10am to 6pm

Projects and initiatives
We're constantly improving our network and services to make it easier for you to use public transport.
This includes station upgrades, expanding the network and changing the way we do business.

Ticketing and events
For some events, customers are able to buy an integrated travel and entry ticket. This means one ticket gets customers to and from the event for free on public transport.
Talk to us about transport planning for your event.

Revenue protection
Up to $37 million is lost each year to fare evasion on our network. This lost revenue could be reinvested in new and improved public transport services.
We employ specifically trained authorised officers, for revenue protection, customer service and safety on the network.

Customer research
We conduct market research to learn about our customers and their travel patterns. From time-to-time, we may:
- contact people through consumer panels or by phone
- speak to people at stops or stations, or travelling on board public transport services
- contact registered go card customers who have agreed to be considered for market research or opinion polls.
Customer satisfaction
Each quarter, we commission an independent research company to monitor customer satisfaction levels. This research asks public transport users how well we are meeting our key performance indicators, which helps us to review and improve our performance.

Translink Customer Experience Survey
Translink conducts a Customer Experience Survey to capture feedback from bus, train, ferry and tram customers in South East Queensland and regional Queensland bus customers.
About the survey
The survey, which is undertaken by an independent market research company, has been designed to be quick, easy and accessible for respondents to complete on a mobile phone or device of their choice. To date, customers from across Queensland have completed more than 130,000 surveys.
Customers are surveyed about their onboard and offboard experience on a recent trip and are also able to provide open-ended feedback about their experience, opinions and expectations when travelling on the network.
Benefits of the survey
The survey allows the department to gain a deep understanding of customers’ experience, opinions and expectations when using public transport services and products.
The insights generated by the survey enable Translink to design a public transport network that creates value for our customers so that we can continue to shape and deliver Queensland's public transport system.
Survey results
Survey results are published on the Translink PT Performance Dashboard and the Queensland Government Open Data portal.
How to participate in the survey
If you haven't ever registered your go card, and would like the opportunity to participate in the survey at random, you can register your card here.