Customers using Smart ticketing contactless debit and credit cards or a smart device to travel, please refer to the Smart Ticketing terms and conditions.

Conditions of use 

  1. The cardholder (or any authorised user) is deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions at the earlier of either the cardholder first using the go card or registration of the go card.
  2. The cardholder must comply and guarantee that any authorised user complies (as though they were the cardholder) with:
  3. The go card may be used for travel on a designated Translink service, provided that:
    • the service is equipped with an operational validator
    • the go card has a sufficient balance to commence a journey
    • the go card has not expired, or been cancelled or blocked.
  4. The go card must be tapped to a validator at the start and finish of travel on a Translink service, to obtain a response from the validator indicating that the go card has been read successfully. The number of go cards used for each trip must equal the number of cardholders travelling.
  5. The cardholder will be liable for all fares, fees and charges incurred by the use of the go card by any person until the go card is cancelled. Fares, fees and charges relating to go cards are outlined in the go card user guide.
  6. Translink will deduct a fixed amount from the go card every time the card is tapped on at the start of travel on a Translink service. When the card is tapped off at the end of travel on a Translink service, the correct fare is calculated and the cardholder's go card balance is adjusted accordingly.
  7. If the cardholder fails to tap on at the start of travel or tap off at the end of travel on a Translink service, the correct fare cannot be calculated and the fixed amount will remain deducted from the card balance and the cardholder forfeits any right to have the go card balance adjusted to reflect the correct fare for that journey, except in accordance with the 'Balance adjustments' section of the go card user guide.
  8. The go card must only be used by the authorised user or by the cardholder if no authorised user is nominated.
  9. A cardholder using a child go card must be between 5-14 years of age (inclusive). Children under 5 years of age may travel for free.
  10. A cardholder using a Seniors go card must be a holder of a Seniors Card issued by any Australian state or territory as proof of entitlement.
  11. The go card remains the property of Translink. The cardholder must not alter, tamper or interfere with a go card or knowingly use a defective go card. The go card must be produced for inspection or surrendered to Translink upon request.
  12. Translink may block, cancel or retain the go card (i) in accordance with the go card guide to balance transfers and refunds; (ii) where Translink reasonably believes that the go card is lost, stolen, damaged or faulty; (iii) where the cardholder has breached these terms and conditions; or (iv) where the go card is surrendered or required to be surrendered to Translink. A go card that is blocked cannot be used unless it is reactivated, which Translink may do at its discretion. A go card that is cancelled cannot be used and cannot be reactivated.
  13. Where the go card has expired or been inactive for a period of 5 years, any balance on the card is returned to Translink. The cardholder authorises Translink to transfer that card balance to Translink's account in accordance with the go card guide to balance transfers and refunds. The cardholder may claim the balance at any time provided the go card was registered or the unregistered go card can be produced.
  14. The cardholder acknowledges and agrees that they have no right to any interest earned on the card balance or deposit held on the go card.
  15. The cardholder may apply for a refund on the card in accordance with the go card guide to balance transfers and refunds.
  16. The cardholder acknowledges that in the event that an incorrect amount has been applied to a go card, Translink reserves the right to recall any overpayment without the cardholder's permission.
  17. The go card user guide and the go card guide to balance transfers and refunds are published on the Translink website Copies of the guides are also available by calling Translink on 13 12 30.
  18. Translink may change these terms and conditions and related material (such as the Translink go card user guide, and the go card guide to balance transfers and refunds) at its discretion. Updated terms and conditions and related materials will be published on the Translink website, and are also available by calling Translink on 13 12 30. Translink will use its best efforts to advertise changes to these terms and conditions before they commence.
  19. The cardholder must keep all usernames, passwords, personal identification numbers, card security codes and answers to security questions confidential. The cardholder must also keep the card number printed on their go card secure. If the cardholder does not register their go card and another person obtains the card number, this may allow that person to (i) register the go card in their own name; (ii) link the go card to their own personal profile; and (iii) view their recent travel history.
  20. The cardholder must only access the cardholder's go card account, including travel information, address and contact information, balances and credit card account information, through ordinary use of the website by methods purposely made available on this website. The cardholder must not enable or permit any other person, electronic application or system to access the information, including by entering the cardholder's user name and password into such an application or system.
  21. You can use your go card on all Translink bus, train, ferry and tram services, and Airtrain*. (*Special conditions apply for Airtrain.) Visit or call 13 12 30.
  22. Journeys cannot be transferred from one card to another to receive any frequent user scheme.
  23. These terms and conditions apply in addition to conditions of carriage imposed by any provider of public transport services who accepts the go card as payment for use of its services ("Operator"). When using the services of any Operator you must comply with that Operator's conditions of carriage. Translink is not responsible for the acts or omissions of any Operator.
  24. These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Queensland. Cardholders submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Queensland.

Auto top-up agreement

I/we agree that I/we:

  • will comply with the auto top-up agreement
  • authorise my/our financial institution to release information to Translink to verify the details of the nominated credit card account and auto top-up amount
  • accept liability for all transactions made by the use of the go card by any person, whether or not with my/our knowledge or consent until such time as auto top-up is terminated in accordance with the auto top-up agreement
  • will ensure that the nominated credit card account is valid and has available credit to enable auto top-up transactions at all times
  • accept liability for any fees incurred from my/our financial institution in the event that there is insufficient credit in the nominated credit card account at the time an auto top-up transaction is triggered
  • will notify Translink promptly of any change in any details supplied through the electronic application including the name(s), address and telephone number of the account holder(s), requests for alteration of credit card arrangements or stopping or cancelling auto top-up by contacting TransLink on 13 12 30, or visiting the Translink website. Any change to the credit card account details including closure of the credit card account or the use of a new credit card account must be notified to TransLink by calling 13 12 30 or visiting the Translink website (
  • authorise Translink to record and use the information in accordance with the Translink privacy statement
  • acknowledge and agree that I/we have no right to any interest earned on the card balance or deposit held on the go card.

Activation of auto top-up

  • When auto top-up is activated, the first auto top-up amount will be deducted from the nominated credit card immediately regardless of the balance on go card.
  • Translink will not be obliged to process any auto top-up transactions from a new or changed credit card account until expiry of 5 business days from receiving written notification of the new or changed account.
  • Transiink will transfer your auto top-up amount, whenever the card balance on the nominated go card falls below $5.
  • When the card balance falls below $5 the nominated go card needs to be tapped on before the auto top-up amount will be added to the card balance.

Termination of auto top-up agreement

  • The credit card holder(s) can request Translink to terminate auto top-up at any time by notifying Translink in writing, by calling 13 12 30 or visiting the Translink website.
  • Where Translink receives notification to terminate auto top-up, termination will occur within 3 business days of receipt of that notification.
  • Translink may terminate auto top-up immediately in the event that:
    • there is a breach of this auto top-up agreement by the account holder(s);
    • payment of monies is not received by Translink for any auto top-up transactions pursuant to this agreement; or
    • the nominated credit card account is no longer valid.
  • The card holder(s) acknowledge that the credit card holder may request Translink to terminate auto top-up at any time by notifying Translink in writing, by calling 13 12 30, or visiting the Translink website.
  • Where auto top-up is terminated by Translink at the request of the credit card holder, the card holder(s) will be liable for all transactions made by use of the go card up to the date and time of termination.

Insufficient funds in account

  • If at the time an auto top-up transaction is triggered, there are insufficient funds in the credit card account nominated in the electronic application, the auto top-up transaction may be rejected by your financial institution and a fee may be charged to your credit card account by your financial institution. Translink will treat the payment as if it was never made. If Translink incurs any costs, bank fees or charges as a result of a dishonoured auto top-up transaction, these fees may be passed on to the credit card holder as a charge.

Transactions on weekends & public holidays

  • If an auto top-up transaction is triggered on a weekend or public holiday, the auto top-up amount will be available on your go card immediately. The transaction should appear on your credit card account on the next working day. Please note, this may vary slightly depending on your financial institutions processing arrangements.

Failure to receive payment

  • If Translink fails to receive payment in respect of an auto top-up transaction, Translink may:
    • recover from the credit card account holder(s) any monies payable by the credit card account holder(s) to Translink;
    • deduct or set-off any monies payable by the credit card account holder(s) to Translink from the balance of any go card issued to or held by the credit card account holder(s); or
    • suspend or terminate auto top-up and/or any or all go cards linked to the primary card holder for such period as may be determined by Translink.

Notification of errors

  • If you believe there has been an error in debiting your credit card account, contact Translink on 13 12 30 as soon as possible so that your query can be investigated in a timely manner.
  • If you believe there has been an auto top-up transaction to your credit card that you have not approved, contact your financial institution immediately.

Availability of credit cards

  • Only Visa and MasterCard can be used when applying for auto top-up.

Changes to auto top-up agreement

  • Translink may change the terms and conditions of this auto top-up agreement and related material at its discretion. Updated terms and conditions of the auto top-up agreement and related materials will be published on the Translink website, and are also available by calling Translink on 13 12 30.

Third party go card applications

There are third party applications available on the internet that can offer to display go card account balances and other go card information.

Currently these products are not endorsed or able to be endorsed by Translink.

Customers who provide their go card details to non-Translink third party applications or non-endorsed services are breaching the go card terms and conditions.

You should only access your go card account via the methods provided on the Translink website.

This policy is to ensure your personal data is kept secure.

Check out the Stay Smart Online website for more tips on internet security and keeping your personal information safe.

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